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About Us

Run by professional safari guides and rated photographers, nature-com brings you all that nature has to offer. The known is deliberated further, the unknown is researched upon, the breathtaking finese that nature has bestowed upon us is all dissected for you.

Simply put it, we are here to inform, educate, share, deliberate and join hands in nurturing that which nature fondly gave us.

In Prof. Wangari Maathai's own words, " nature is not forgiving if mishandled". We handle it gently here at nature_com

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Robert Mwangi is a certified Eastern Africa Safari Guide, a birdwatcher and conservation is a give back to the nature from him. He is ready to be bringing you a finest info of nature from every corner he will be traveling to.
Robert is very social and he is just an email away. He will be glad to hear from you. Click here to Email him.

Mohammed Billow has been in the African bushes for over a decade  doing what he likes most; Safari guiding and assisting visitors achieve the best experience in their safari. Keep an eye on this space because he is a travel writer, he might be talking of some ideal places for you.

He like talking to people and answering questions from everyone and he shares every kind of useful info.
Click here to reach Mohammed.

Washington Wachira was born and raised in Kenya. His interest for conservation and nature started at a tender age. He has a wide knowledge base on nature conservation and has won many awards over the years. He is also a passionate author having written articles in many local and international publications. His education background is in Environmental Science and he has continued to enrich his knowledge through many trainings and courses. He is an experienced safari guide. When not on safari, he serves as the Project Manager for the Kenya Bird Map at the Bird Committee of the East Africa Natural History Society. He is also a passionate nature photographer. 

Feel free to leave a shout for Washington. Click here to email him